Tuesday 26 September 2023

Antioxidants and Free Radicals

Most people have heard about antioxidants and free radicals, but what are they really?

It is, of course, a complex matter, but imaging that the free radicals are harmful hooligans roaming around the body causing disease and inflammation and the antioxidants are the police taking care of the issue, neutralizing them.

Then imagine the hooligans being part of different gangs, so the police needs to have specialized teams to take care of each type of gang. That's where the diversity of food makes the difference.

Some examples of antioxidants are Vitamin C, Polyphenol; Quercetin, Flavonoids, Curcuminoids are Carotenoids.

The colors of the fruits and vegetables shows the different types of antioxidants, so a colorful plate of food is helping chasing the free radical hooligans away. Just like your old grandmother said when you were a kid. Imagine that they knew that for generations, before internet and all easy accessed information we have at hand, at all times, nowadays.

For a more technical description of antioxidants click here
Click here to see a short video.

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