Thursday 3 August 2023


In Sweden I worked as an Ombudman for the workers' union. My days were overwhelmed by angry and sad people and in 2003 I started loosing my hair.

I was depressed, had stomach and headaches every day. I didn't sleep and had a constant nagging feeling of inner stress in my stomach.

It started with bald patches and in 2005 all my hair, including the facial and body hair was gone. The name of this autoimmune disease is Alopecia Universalis.

In Sweden people don't ask questions, so I guess they think I have cancer, but here, in Nepal, they ask why I don't have any hair and I prefer explaining to people instead of being analyzed behind my back.

Here they think I'm either a Buddhist nun or that I belong to the Hare Krishna movement. I even get the hilarious comment "Nice hairstyle!" thrown at me with a smile.

This photo was taken when I was 27 and at the beginning of my career as an Ombudsman.

Loosing my lion mane was of course traumatic, but when I got used to it I blessed it, since it forced me to surrender and change my life completely. I quit my job and eventually moved to Nepal

I wouldn't be here, doing what I do, if I hadn't lost my hair and that's how I tackle all difficult situations nowadays. 

Everything happens for a reason and most of the time it's impossible to see the long term reason when you are in the middle of the situation, but be patient and let it run its course. 

Click here to learn more about Alopecia.

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