My name is Ani and I'm 53 years old. I'm from Sweden, but I've lived in Kathmandu, Nepal since 2012.
A couple of years ago I got interested in how to boost the immune system and soon health became my passion.
My dad got Diabetes 2, or insulin resistance, at my age and I refuse to end up on that road.
After spending many hours researching health I'm now ready to share my findings with likeminded people.
In October 2022 I changed my life completely. I started eating healthy and exercise. I started to listen to my body and almost a year later I'm more fit and healthy than I was during my teenage years.
I've got a second chance to make things right. Not to necessary live longer, but to live a pain free and active life. Every day counts in my book.
From having stomach and headaches almost every day and eating over the counter medications like it was no tomorrow, I now find solutions in my diet, with natural foods and herbs.
I rarely fell asleep before 3 in the morning and slept till noon. After my life changing decision I get tired early in the evening and wake up with the sun and I feel full of energy all day long.
A somewhat surprising "side effect" of my lifestyle change, I understand things better now, was that I could stop eating the antidepressant medication, SSRI, I'd been eating for 16 years.
I've cut out sugar and gluten from my diet and eat a minimum of carbs, but I'm just human and since I don't have any diseases I treat myself sometimes. But, it never tastes as good as I imagined and I'm always eager to return to my routines.
I've found my path and I hope I can help you find yours!
A treat for you who understands Nepali. Click here to watch my daughter Leya. She was 5 years old and we had just moved to Nepal.